Fox biology

Red Fox “Vulpes vulpes”
Red Foxes (Vulpes Vulpes) belong to the Canidae (dog) family. They are smaller than the average size dog, have an elongated tapered snout and reddish fur. There is some sexual dimorphism, as the male fox (dog) is 6-8 kg, whilst the female fox (vixen) is between 5-6 kg in weight.
They are distributed throughout Europe and can be found different habitats. The highest population density is found in urban areas, as the availability (usually in the form of waste from humans) is plentiful. Foxes are particularly active during nighttime. During daytime they hide in dense cover, go underground in burrows or pre-existing voids.
Mating occurs in late winter and litters are born in March/April. The litter size ranges from 5-7 and they remain with the vixen until they are 4 months old. Foxes in England have a short lifespan. Foxes can live to over ten years, but few wild foxes live for more than two years.
Reasons for fox control
Nuisance is the main complaint made against foxes in an urban setting. They scream and bark, especially during the mating season and damage gardens, parks and scatter contents of bins. Sporadic fox attacks on babies and toddlers have been reported in the press.
The presence of foxes can be a serious problem in a rural context, especially near poultry kept in enclosures. Their cunning ability means they can easily find their way into an enclosure, killing excessively, because of their ingrained hunting drive. They are also known to take newborn lambs and game birds.
Foxes are know to transmit mange, a serious mite infestation of the epidermis and this can be transmitted to dogs. In addition foxes can carry the roundworm Toxocara canis, which is usually associated with dogs, and can cause blindness in children.
Fox control methods
There are several methods we use to control of foxes. These include shooting, trapping and the use of repellents (approved under the control of pesticides regulations 1986). Adequate proofing should be explored before lethal methods are used. Please contact us to discuss an effective fox control program tailored to your needs.