Wood Pigeon Biology and control methods
The wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) is significantly larger than the feral pigeon. It has a distinctive white band on the neck and a white stripe accoss it’s wing. The wood pigeon is associated with rural environments, gardens and parks.
The wood pigeon is a significant pest to the agricultural sector. It feeds arable crops including grains, rapeseed, pulses and vegetables.

Wood Pigeon (Columba Palumbus)
Wood pigeon control methods inluces scaring (including the use of birds of prey) and shooting. Under the general licence wood pigeons can be shot if this is for crop protection. A 12 bore gun is the most frequently used in combination with decoying and roost shooting. Roost shooting can also be performed using a .22 rifle.
Scaring methods can be done using scarecrows, blinkers, and auditory scarers such as gas guns and whistles. These will eventually lose their effect as birds become accustomed to them. It is recommended to change these methods every week for maximum effect.